Never Get Scammed Again!

Published on: Feb 05 2007 by Bob Bernstein

Have you heard the expression, “Love is blind”? This happens when you want something so badly your brain secrets a magical fluid which prevents rational and logical reasoning to prevail.  Well it’s fair to say that when it comes time to purchase tickets to the Final Four or any other major event you risk fighting off the forces of bad judgement which might cloud your thinking and get you RIPPED OFF.  So, here’s the litmus test you must put any deal through.

  1. Never Ever wire anybody you don’t know money.  Even if his name is George Bush.
  2. Never Ever use an Escrow service that the seller recommends.
  3. Never Ever buy tickets from someone who claims to be overseas and cannot use his tickets.
  4. Make sure the tickets are being sold to you by a licensed ticket broker who is a member of the National Association of Ticket Brokers.

If you ever are in a bind and are still not sure what to do, give me a call and run the deal past me.  I’ll keep you from losing a few nights sleep.  Here’s my confession.  I have lost a few nights sleep due to my “Love Blindness” and hopefully I can keep you from following in my footsteps.

Enjoy the show!

Bob Bernstein

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